Contact Us

Please call the office during business hours to schedule an appointment.

Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 4:30 pm


Address: 1304 Unit #B Lauzon Rd. Windsor ON. N8S 3N1

(If calling after business hours, our team will reach out to you within 24 hours)

**For our valued clients: If you would like to request an addition or redemption to your account, please contact us via email at**

Fill out the information to book an appointment.

A new page will pop up with a calendly link to schedule your appointment. Thank you and we look forward to meeting with you.

Godfroy Financial Works Best With:


Retired investors or those who want to retire in the next five years


Meticulous savers who have a net worth of over $300,000.

Expert Guidance

Individuals who trust and value hiring an expert because they know their retirement is too important to handle alone.